Charles Augustus Fortescue Who Always Did what was Right, and so Accumulated an Immense Fortune The nicest child I ever knew Was Charles Augustus Fortescue. He never lost his cap, or tore His stockings or his pinafore: In eating Bread he made no Crumbs, He was extremely fond of sums, To which, however, he preferred […]
The Blind Painting the Blind
If you’re tired of the same old paint colors, and don’t simply want to use whatever colors happen to be trendy this year when you paint, why not go for something really different. “Always Something Surprising” is the motto of a new Cleveland painting company called The Blind Painting the Blind, Inc. While not all […]
New Housing Solutions: The Houseblimp
Most of you, I would suppose, live in houses more or less firmly affixed to a land mass. Some few of you may reside in a house resting on water rather than land, either permanently placed or mobile. Houses and houseboats, however, fail to compare with the newest housing solution, The houseblimp exceeds the houseboat […]
Home Improvement with Children
Why You Should Let Your Children Help Fix Your House August is a great time to finish up all of your summer projects. If you have children, it’s always tempting to do these projects without their help. You might feel like working in the middle of the night, not showering for long enough that your […]
The New Executive Economy
Governors, presidents, and kings are typically given a place to live during their term of office. And in nearly every case, it’s more than just a place to live: It’s usually a really nice place to live, a mansion or palace, and maybe a yacht, too. Inside sources have disclosed that in recent months, some […]
Clean Trash Technology
While the EPA has given the American landscape some good scrubbings in the past with the Clean Water Act and the Clean Air Act, its latest proposition will trump all these past accomplishments. The EPA is proposing a new requirement for Clean Trash Technology, which experts say will reverse the problems of landfills in America. […]