“For the Edification of the Planet!”
Under the halfhearted and tentative leadership of Vim Vocifero, The Flying News seeks to transmit timeless truths about the underlying structure of the universe.
Vim Vocifero is the Assistant Sub-Editor of The Flying News, having formerly been the apprentice to the Master Grand Editor of a large and well-known news source, which is better left unnamed.
While I know it sounds grandiose—I hate to say it, in fact—I am the Assistant Sub-Editor. Thanks to my eloquence, The Flying News has become one of the most excellent websites devoted to cataloging species of small edible insects.
—Vim Vocifero
James Jocifero, Esquire, better known by his pseudonym “Jim Jocifero” west of the Atlantic Ocean, is the Tertiary Media Co-Communicator and Supra-Legal Counsel for The Flying News. He has been a vocal advocate for the retention of British Imperial Units as far back as the 1980s, succeeding in its legal requirement for sales of draught beer and cider.
Tom Tocifero is light-hearted and lofty. He is the proud writer of the children’s section of The Flying News.
Ryan Rocifero (roving reporter) is the roving reporter, and a roving young fellow he has been. He reportedly roves as he reports to our other, not-so-roving reporters. He has also been seen raving and revving, and, less frequently, rifting or rafting.
Lynn Locifero has been a photographer for umpteen years, ever since she bought her first daguerreotype. She eventually switched to using the more pronounceable film cameras, and now uses a top-o’-the-line professional digital camera. She has experience in both news and fiction photography, and has photographed falling bridges, head-on vehicle collisions, and numerous fairy-tales and dreams. She also does posthumous portraits of celebrities and civic leaders. Lynn is happily married and has at least two children.
Phim Phocifero “Not much is known about this member of the staff, since he rarely leaves his room after coming home from school. Judging from his pic, we believe him to be from Tieland.”
Robert Bobb is our Director of Marketing, who keeps the Flying News refrigerator stocked with nutritious food, especially doughnuts. His former position, Internal Director of External Surgical Procedures, is open for applicants.
Image credits:
“Head of Ptah,” acquired by Henry Walters, courtesy of Walters Art Museum. Public domain.
“Head of 11-String Alto Guitar”, by Heikki Rousu (http://altoguitars.com/). Public domain.
“Pirate Burying Treasure,” by Howard Pyle. Public domain image from Howard Pyle’s Book of Pirates.
The Sopwith Triplane silhouette in The Flying News header is based on a public domain image by Dryke.
All unattributed images found on flying-news.com are hereby attributed to Lynn Locifero, © 2014-2021, The Flying News.