Witch doctors

Ten Things Your Doctor Won’t Tell You

Always on the lookout for a good story, when I visited the doctor last week I was thinking about all the things my doctor never told me. (This led me to seethe with anger—boy, he sure got a high reading on that blood pressure test.) Not this doctor, not the last doctor, not even my […]

MAA Defines Terminal Illness

In a formal proclamation yesterday, the Medical Association of America (MAA) officially announced a new definition of terminal illness. This new definition states that ‘Terminal illness’ shall be hereafter defined as any condition, state, or way of being which is certain to be followed by death after any definite or indefinite period of time. Tiffany […]

#1 Cause of Disease Discovered

Mysterious creature

Whether you are a doctor, lawyer, scientist, stay-at-home mom, president of a failing company, president of a failing country, 3-year-old child, or a sickly, gaunt, but well-dressed supermodel, you undoubtedly have faced a good number of diseases in your lifetime, and will likely experience more in years to come. Basically, anyone who is not either […]