
Leaked US Presidential Election Ballot

2016 Official U.S. Presidential Election Ballot

As most of you know (whichever side of the Atlantic you happen to be on), it’s election season over in the United States. The Americans are voting for their next president, because apparently they haven’t figured out how much easier elections are when you have a Royal Family with a well-defined method for choosing the […]

Jim Jocifero for Resident

== THE FOLLOWING IS A PLAID ADVERTISEMENT == The Flying News is not responsible for the contents, nor for the opinions expressed therein. VOTE JIM JOCIFERO FOR U.S. RESIDENT Dear Citizens1 of the United States, Iowa, Puerto Rico, and other Less Significant Territories: It is with heartfelt sincerity that I wish to impress upon you […]

Voting 101 or How to Vote like a Pro

Everyone knows that voting in local and national elections is both a duty and a privilege. But how, one may ask, should I approach the elections to ensure the best result? How do I decide for whom to cast my vote? Party line? County line? Hair line? Water line? Here at The Flying News, we […]