
Descriptive Jottings of London

As I stood upon London Bridge and viewed the mighty throng Of thousands of people in cabs and ‘busses rapidly whirling along, All furiously driving to and fro, Up one street and down another as quick as they could go: Then I was struck with the discordant sound of human voices there, Which seemed to […]

Automotive Underbody Cameras

Having you ever been driving along, thinking of this and that (or perhaps even of the other thing), when all of a sudden, without prelude, warning, or justification, you are seized and overpowered by an urge to see the asphalt directly under your car? If you have, you know that slamming on your brakes and […]

Summer Vacation Advice

Photo by Lynn Locifero, © The Flying News, 2014

Summer is drawing to an end, and the new school year is beginning. (According to unsubstantiated rumors, some children have already begun attending school again.) This might seem like an odd time to talk about summer vacations. Maybe you’ve already spent a day at the beach, a week at grandma’s, or even a month at […]