
Professional Sports Teams To Issue Driver’s Licenses

Americans were surprised, but almost unanimously pleased, to find that President Barack Obama (PBO) had signed an Executive Order (EO) yesterday authorizing Professional Sports Teams (PSTs) to issue Driver’s Licenses (DLs). Sandy Bulleyts, an avid Browns fan from Cleveland, OH, told Flying News reporter Ryan Rocifero about her reaction on hearing the news: Well, you […]

How to Tell a Donkey from a Bicycle

Do you ride a donkey to work while your next-door neighbour takes a bicycle? Do you find yourself spending way too much time each morning trying to determine which is which, so you don’t accidentally mount his bike and leave your donkey? Well, here we explain the subtle differences between a donkey and a bike, […]

How to Reinvent the Wheel

If you think about wheels as often as we at The Flying News do, you may have heard various—and perhaps even sundry—persons discuss the desirability of reinventing the wheel. And for some reason or other, such specimens usually refer to the reinvention of the wheel as not wholly desirable. But having nothing better to do […]

The Railway Bridge of the Silvery Tay

Beautiful Railway Bridge of the Silvery Tay! With your numerous arches and pillars in so grand array And your central girders, which seem to the eye To be almost towering to the sky. The greatest wonder of the day, And a great beautification to the River Tay, Most beautiful to be seen, Near by Dundee […]

“Rosa Parks Man” Refuses to Give Up Seat on Bus

Last week, a bus driver politely asked a middle-aged man to give up his seat at the front of a crowded Chicago bus for a woman in the late stages of pregnancy. The man caused quite a stir when he refused, accompanying his refusal with a self-righteous tirade on civil rights and the defence of […]