
Stomach Implants: A Dietary Revolution

Image of a stomach

Stomach Implants For too many generations, our race has been sadly limited in its food choices. Our inability to process lignin and cellulose is particularly problematic. This inability has drastically limited the amount of nutrients we are able to absorb from foods such as grass and leaves. Given the abundance of these foods, an ability […]

Trans-Fats: Out—Chrome-Plating: In

There have been some significant changes in the American diet lately, and while trans-fats have received a lot of attention, less notice has been taken of the proliferation of metal based foods, which seems linked to recent increases in metallophagy. Cookies, Cakes, Pastries, and Tarts with a high metal content, or even made entirely out […]

Heavy Metal was just the Thin End of the Wedge

When the late Michel Lotito became known for eating bicycles, airplanes, and chandeliers, his metallophagy was regarded as a remarkable curiosity, but nothing more. Recent developments, however, suggest that he was merely one of the first examples of the next stage of human evolution. It is now estimated that metallophagy is increasing by 2.75654% each […]

Style Trends: Magnetizing

Photo of The Flying News returning in glorious triumph.

Straps, ties, and precise tailoring have been unavoidable hassles for the fashion industry until recently, when top designers have taken advantage of a new technology: implanted magnets. Top models have had thin layers of subcutaneous magnets implanted in strategic positions around their body, freeing designers from constraints and allowing them to create new and incredible […]