No need to rhyme with a slug— Don’t be a bug under the rug, a tick who’ll tug. You feel snug but we all shrug, you’re just a bug. No need to rhyme with a slug— Don’t be a thug. That loot you lug makes you look smug; won’t last for long, They’ll take your […]
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It’s the best thing since swine flu! —Anonymous Epidemiologist
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New World Record: Most Simultaneous Nose Pickers
The Italian City of Reggio Calabria, largest city in the[...]
Pet Alligators
Scientists in Liverpool, hot on the heels of the well-known[...]
Trick-or-Treating Goes Viral
As children become more tech-savvy and adults become more willing[...]
Theme Weddings
From the very name, you can almost certainly guess what[...]
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