There’s been a lot of talk (maybe a little too much talk) these days about the newest coronavirus on the block,1 and everyone seems to be running away from it, without knowing exactly which way to run. But, lest we forget all the other looming, lurking, dark, and dreary diseases out there, we decided to […]
Weather or Not
What do you call a cross between a saleable ware and an interrogation?
Good question.
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This Is Nothing
I feel compelled to write a reply to the recent[...]
American Airlines to Begin Flying Passenger Drones
Unmanned Passenger Flights Scheduled to Begin in August!
After receiving permission[...]
A New Brand of Shock Rock
Shock rocker Monroe Charles began his career in the late[...]
New Supermarket Scam
Shoppers Beware! A new scam may have already come to[...]
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