If you spend much time online, you surely know that there are simple and easy cures for everything from diabetes to internet addiction to the complete absence of a sense of humor. But did you know that there is a host of secret diseases equally in need of a cure? The sad truth is […]
Holiday UncheerĀ©
Cheer, as everyone knows, can mean (among various other meanings that I am not interested in discussing today) three distinct things: (1) A feeling of gaiety, mirth, or cheerfulness;1 (2) A loud shout or acclamation expressing applause, joy, enthusiasm, cheer (1), or approbation; and (3) Alcoholic beverages of all kinds, particularly those set forth to […]
Headache Cures
While decapitation certainly works to cure nearly any headache, in our extensive experience at The Flying News, the side effects are often rather severe, and can include skin disorders, mood swings, and even hyperthyroidism. So, in an effort to promote public health, we have some gentler and more holistic approaches to curing your headache.1 Some […]