Queen of England

Welcome to Middle-Age

It used to be, when I was out and about, the sound system would be playing music written before I was born. You know the kind of stuff: Queen Victoria’s Favorite Jams, Top Tunes from the Early Roman Empire, Hottest Hits from the Last Ice Age. But lately, some time last year, to be exact, […]

You’ll Never Guess What This Article Is About

Comparison of nutrition facts on juice and sour cream.

What is this article really about? An excellent question. Glad you asked. And by the by, there are no stupid questions—only stupid people. Scientists have been seeking an answer for decades, if not centuries. Philosophers have been pondering it for ages. It even has the world’s most astute theologians baffled. More News: Declaration of Independence […]

Leaked US Presidential Election Ballot

2016 Official U.S. Presidential Election Ballot

As most of you know (whichever side of the Atlantic you happen to be on), it’s election season over in the United States. The Americans are voting for their next president, because apparently they haven’t figured out how much easier elections are when you have a Royal Family with a well-defined method for choosing the […]

Ode to the King

Oh! God, I thank Thee for restoring King Edward the Seventh’s health again, And let all his subjects throughout the Empire say Amen; May God guard him by night and day, At home and abroad, when he’s far away. May angels guard his bed at night when he lies down, And may his subjects revere […]

United States Supreme Court Rules Driving Barefoot Unconstitutional

Ever since the United States of America began its rebellion from the Mother Country, new and unusual legal quandaries have popped up in every facet of their, the Americans’, so-called laws, which could have been solved easily by the Royal Authority putting the Royal Foot down. A good example of this is the recent ruling […]

Single Online Privacy Policy

Sources say that several large internet companies are planning to simplify their privacy policies, both to make them easier to read and to better reflect actual practices. Further, even though these companies compete with each other in some areas, they have decided to all use the same set of policies because they all have the […]

Descriptive Jottings of London

As I stood upon London Bridge and viewed the mighty throng Of thousands of people in cabs and ‘busses rapidly whirling along, All furiously driving to and fro, Up one street and down another as quick as they could go: Then I was struck with the discordant sound of human voices there, Which seemed to […]

The Horrors of Majuba

’Twas after the great Majuba fight: And the next morning, at daylight, Captain Macbean’s men were ordered to headquarters camp, So immediately Captain Macbean and his men set out on tramp. And there they were joined by the Blue Jackets and 58th men, Who, for unflinching courage, no man can them condemn; And that brave […]