
Rock Stars Play Professional Conferences

Public domain image, available at

Seeking to gain better attendance and greater appeal among Generation X and Y members, some professional associations are hiring rock stars and setting theme songs for their annual conferences. Many of these societies feel their meetings are seen by younger members as being boring and having an uptight atmosphere which does little to spark their […]

How to Re-inflate Tennis Balls

impaled tennis ball

If you are a tennis enthusiast and have ever tried playing a game with an old tennis ball that has lost its “oomph” (a technical word for internal air pressure), you know that it spoils the game when the ball just doesn’t bounce properly. Now, most professional tennis players will tell you to buy a […]

Meal Saving Time – Sandwiches

Table setting, missing the food.

Many of our readers have complained about the time it takes to prepare meals, specifically lunch (which some call “dinner”, not to be confused with “supper” which others call “dinner”), which they bring to work or school, as the case may be. After some intense calculation and much brooding thought, we have come up with […]

Cow-Shark Discovered on Exoplanet

Last Wednesday, astronomers made an astonishing accidental discovery while studying the atmospheric composition of the exoplanet Gliese 581 c. Their observations demonstrated with absolute certainty that the planet is inhabited by an animal which has come to be popularly known as the Cow-Shark. Cindy C. Carnell, a xenoethologist at the State University of Northern South […]

A Television you can Watch with your Dog

"Bosch, Hieronymus - The Garden of Earthly Delights, right panel - Detail cerberus (lower right)" by Hieronymus Bosch (circa 1450–1516) - Google Earth Ultra High Resolution photos of the Museo Nacional del Prado(How-To). Licensed under Public domain via Wikimedia Commons -,_Hieronymus_-_The_Garden_of_Earthly_Delights,_right_panel_-_Detail_cerberus_(lower_right).jpg#mediaviewer/File:Bosch,_Hieronymus_-_The_Garden_of_Earthly_Delights,_right_panel_-_Detail_cerberus_(lower_right).jpg.

Is your dog a member of the family? Of course! how could you even ask? Then don’t you feel sad, maybe even ashamed, that your dog can’t join in what Julian Richards claims to be “the most important relationship building experience a family can undergo,”1 watching television? Yet, it is a sad fact that the […]

Advice for Frustrated Parents

Are you a frustrated parent?

Are you a parent? If so, are you frustrated? If so, have we got some advice for you. And believe me, our parenting advice is outstanding beyond compare. Only last month, after reading our first ever parenting column, Giovanna Lombardo wrote to us to say “My life has been transformed. Ever since I read your […]