
The Tale of the Dog

Salivating dog.

A children’s story Once upon a time there was a dog. A big, brown dog, with shaggy fur and yellow eyes. He was a very brave dog. When strangers came by his house, he would not run away. He would bark at them. “Woof, woof!” the dog would say. And the neighbours would run away. […]

The Dog and the Cat and the Tire

Face of sleeping dog

Once there were a dog and a cat. “Woof, woof!” said the dog. “Meow,” said the cat. “Woof,” said the dog. “Meow, meow,” said the cat. And they talked for several minutes like this, until they got bored and walked away. The dog went to find some rags to chew on. The cat went to […]

Does Your Dog Have a Sleeping Disorder?

Face of sleeping dog

Now that veterinarians get paid almost as much as doctors, the human race has become more concerned about the health of pets. So, when your dog starts barking from his doghouse in the wee hours of the morning, instead of worrying about a possible burglar snooping around the house, you naturally start to wonder, “Does […]

The Python

The Python     A Python I should not advise,— It needs a doctor for its eyes, And has the measles yearly.       However, if you feel inclined To get one (to improve your mind, And not from fashion merely),     Allow no music near its cage; And when it flies into […]

The Flying News: Suggested Uses

If you have been a devoted reader of The Flying News for any length of time, you may, in your spare moments, have caught yourself wondering something like this: “Why am I reading this stuff?” Well, really, that’s something to be kept between you and your psychologist. If, on the other hand, you’d like to […]

Pet Alligators

Scientists in Liverpool, hot on the heels of the well-known Russian case in which foxes were domesticated after 21 generations, have announced that, after 227 generations and 64 years, they have evolved a domesticated alligator. Over the generations their version, dubbed Crocodilius cutenensis, has developed a softer palate, floppy ears, and a non-swinging stub tail. […]

Parchment: An Old Technology Whose Time Has Come

Parchment Making, Das Ständebuch, 1568

Everywhere I travel, I hear people saying the same thing: “The time has come for parchment to regain its former and well deserved preeminence in the field of literature and letters.” Parchment began to lose its dominance in Europe when paper was introduced into Spain in the 11th century. The greater availability of writing materials helped […]