It is widely known that if you include a number in a statement, 79% of people will believe you without question. If you include two numbers, then 82.3% of people will take your statement as definitely true.1 Don’t go overboard, of course. If you make a statement such as “01001001 01110011 00100000 01101001 01110011 00101100 […]
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Did you know if you look straight into the eyes of a tiger and whisper sweet nothings, it makes your head explode?
Neither did I.
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When Wayne Heath retired from his career as a heavy[...]
New Study Indicates that Text Boxes Are Replacing Thought Bubbles
In his groundbreaking paper "Text Boxes Replace Thought Bubbles," psychologist[...]
USBSM Introduces Larger Inches to Match Expanding Waistlines
The 'inflation' of women's dress sizes is old news.[1. According[...]
Bicycles Banned from Bike Rack in Park
So I'm wending me way through a little park on[...]
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