If you happen to be a typical American, you are, doubtless, vaguely aware of the FDA and FBI nutritional guidelines, but, despite this dim awareness, you probably only take in about .0397% of the RDA for every nutrient except sugar and trans-fat. You may (although you probably don’t) wonder why your nutrition is so poor, […]
Recipe: Cocoa Chaos
This time of year, many people enjoy inviting friends or relatives to their homes for dinner and serving a special dish. This is a favourite dessert recipe that we just had to share, and it’s guaranteed to make an impression. Ingredients A few cups of flour Bicarbonate of soda to taste Baking powder to taste Lots […]
New Frontiers for Product Placement
You may, perhaps, remember the scene from Air Force One where George Clooney, or Ronald Regan, or Fred Astaire, or whoever it was, finds himself in the cargo hold of the airplane with a not-very-subtle display of Coca-Cola®. (If you happen to have forgotten or had the good fortune not to have seen the movie, […]
New FDA Rules to Limit Use of Adjectives
Do you enjoy free-range, grass-fed, boneless, skinless, additive-free, organic, all-natural, extra-virgin margarine? Or are you addicted to expeller-pressed, unrefined, unhomogenized steak? If so, stock up on these products now, as FDA regulations taking effect next month will make these, and many other, foods impossible to obtain (at least legally). The new FDA regulations occur in […]
G. K. Chesterton on Beer
Eating For Two Now Cheaper Than Eating For One
In a marketing campaign to expand its customer base well into the future, a chain of Chinese restaurants in the northwestern United States, called Sichuan of North, is now offering a large discount to pregnant customers. Women with child receive fifty percent off their check, and that includes the all-you-can-eat lunch and dinner buffets. Restaurant […]
Holiday Uncheer©
Cheer, as everyone knows, can mean (among various other meanings that I am not interested in discussing today) three distinct things: (1) A feeling of gaiety, mirth, or cheerfulness;1 (2) A loud shout or acclamation expressing applause, joy, enthusiasm, cheer (1), or approbation; and (3) Alcoholic beverages of all kinds, particularly those set forth to […]
Meal Saving Time – Sandwiches
Many of our readers have complained about the time it takes to prepare meals, specifically lunch (which some call “dinner”, not to be confused with “supper” which others call “dinner”), which they bring to work or school, as the case may be. After some intense calculation and much brooding thought, we have come up with […]