New Year’s

Industrial Minuscule Reinvents Cubicle Calendars

A sticky note with New Year’s resolutions: Buy Calendar, Read Flying News, Brush Teeth, Wash Dishes

It’s that time of year again. The end of the year. Yes, the END is NIGH. You know what that means.1 You need a new calendar. Look no further. Industrial Minuscule™ has the calendar for you. And not just any calendar. This is an all-new line of calendars affectionately called Cubicle Calendars™, reinvented for the […]

New Year’s Day

A really tasty-looking three-layer cake!

If you read this before 6 A.M. on New Year’s Day, you’re probably a) up too late, and b) apparently tired of talking to all the people with whom you spent the last few hours. Why not just go to sleep? After all, nothing changes on New Year’s Day. Oh, yes, you might have to […]