Much like the bloomer movement for women of the 1850s (although rather late by the standards of modern revolt), a new emancipation movement in male dress is striking down centuries-old restrictions on clothing for men. While the bloomer movement saw women throwing off dresses and tight corsets in favour of bloomers and pantaloons,1 the men’s […]
USBSM Introduces Larger Inches to Match Expanding Waistlines
The ‘inflation’ of women’s dress sizes is old news.1 However, until recently, men have had to suffer the indignity of seeing their pants size increase, even as their wives’ dress size has decreased. The United States Bureau of Sizes and Measurements (USBSM) has—finally—made a move to address this distressing situation. Since men’s clothes are measured […]
Some Notes on the Physics of Large Appliance Repair
Given the enthusiastic response of our readers to our recent article on the psychology of large appliance repair, we decided to see if physics has anything interesting to say about the matter. As you no doubt recall, the issue discussed in the earlier story was the statistical correlation between the hours separating midnight and 2:00 […]
Appliance Repair
Have you ever noticed that large appliance repairs usually happen in the middle of the night? If you have noticed this, you have probably wondered what it is about the smallest hours of the night that causes you to find yourself with your stove or dishwasher scattered around your kitchen in fifty-seven pieces? Ever tireless […]
Marketing Strategies for Father’s Day
Flying News investigative reporter Ryan Rocifero has discovered that, in preparation for father’s day, VeryManlyTools® Co. has adopted a unique marketing strategy in its retail outlets. “Market researchers at VeryManlyTools found,” Rocifero reports, “that women were discouraging their husbands from buying expensive power tools. They deliberately sought for, and managed to find, a strategy to […]