Have you ever been driving along, minding your own business, and noticed one of those signs on the back of trucks? Not the ones that say How’s our driving? Call 231-231-2312 to complain. I’m talking about the kind of sign that says We are not responsible if rocks fall off our truck and break your […]
Lines In Protest To The Dundee Magistrates
Man Sues State of South Carolina for Speciesism
A couple of years back, the Massachusetts Supreme Court heard the case of Jane Doe v. State of Massachusetts, in which a woman who had been ticketed for HOV lane violation successfully maintained that the company of her three dogs made her car a high occupancy vehicle and that any claims to the contrary were […]
Association of American Lawyers and Advocates Introduces All-Inclusive Consent Form
In 2015, the National Institute for Strange and Useless Studies (NISUS) found that the average American can be expected to spend 11.3 years signing away his1 rights. In response to this, the Association of American Lawyers and Advocates (AALA) has drafted a universal and all-inclusive consent and release form. This form, in the words of […]
Supreme Court Rules EULA Invalid Without Legal Counsel
Have you ever involuntarily sold your eldest child, your soul, or your prize poodle Fritzy?1 If so, chances are roughly 1.3242579 x 10A Very Large Number to 1 that you did so by signing a Computer Software License (EULA). Our astute readers will already have realized that these agreements are carefully designed by behavioral psychologists […]
Declaration of Independence to Display Ads
It appears that the United States of America has a fairly large national debt. How large? Estimates place the figure somewhere in excess of eighteen trillion dollars. Since this debt is so large, we’ve been wondering, here in the central office of The Flying News, how we can get some of that money. At least, […]
Affordable Care Act Requires Flossing Twice a Day
A Harvard law student recently discovered a section of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, hitherto unknown, which requires all Americans over the age of 14 to floss twice a day. While working on his PhD dissertation, which covers only a portion of the some four million pages of the health care law, Samuel […]