Gender Equality for Weed Your typical plant has two sexes (male and female), and marijuana, Cannabis sativa,1 is no exception. For most plants, this simple biological fact isn’t a big deal, but it just so happens that in the case of marijuana, there is a definite prejudice in favor of the female sex. The explanation […]
Justin Bieber
Gender Controversy at ‘Muggle’ Quidditch World Cup
At the North-East U.S. Quidditch Regional Finals last month, the Montpelier (VT) Marauders set off an international controversy by fielding 7 players who, to look at them, all seemed to be male, each one claiming to be of a different ‘gender’. “A little strange,” you might think, “but hardly major sports news, even for quidditch […]
The New Executive Economy
Governors, presidents, and kings are typically given a place to live during their term of office. And in nearly every case, it’s more than just a place to live: It’s usually a really nice place to live, a mansion or palace, and maybe a yacht, too. Inside sources have disclosed that in recent months, some […]