
Teen Grounded From Internet Hospitalized

When Robert Q. Dahlberg III grounded his son, Robert Q. Dahlberg IV, from using the internet for a week, he had no idea that he was putting Bobby IV’s life in danger. For three days, Bobby IV endured this punishment (not uncomplainingly). On the morning of the fourth day, however, he was found by his […]

Headache Cures

Alterated from a public domain image by 'Bilboq', available at http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c8/Head.svg.

While decapitation certainly works to cure nearly any headache, in our extensive experience at The Flying News, the side effects are often rather severe, and can include skin disorders, mood swings, and even hyperthyroidism. So, in an effort to promote public health, we have some gentler and more holistic approaches to curing your headache.1 Some […]