Head gaskets

When to Buy a New Car

Odometer showing lots of miles.

Do you have an automobile? If so, you probably find yourself wondering, every few minutes, things like: “Do I need a new car?” “Does my car drive fast enough?” “Should I start wearing fur coats in the car?” “Should I stop brushing my teeth in the car?” “Should I stop running over cute little stray […]

How to Cope with Holiday Cheer

This time of year, you hear many people saying things like “Happy holidays!” and “Merry Christmas!”, usually with big grins and sometimes wearing floppy red hats with pom-poms on top. You also hear lots of happy, wintry, Christmas-y music playing over PA systems in stores, and you might even find yourself surrounded by carollers who […]

What About Head Gaskets?

heads will roll

Have you ever changed your head gasket? Have you ever even seen your head gasket? And how do you know if you even have a head gasket? While often overlooked, these are crucial questions which you should be asking yourself now (if you haven’t already). Let’s start with the basics. How do you know if […]