The Python A Python I should not advise,— It needs a doctor for its eyes, And has the measles yearly. However, if you feel inclined To get one (to improve your mind, And not from fashion merely), Allow no music near its cage; And when it flies into […]
Appliance Repair
Have you ever noticed that large appliance repairs usually happen in the middle of the night? If you have noticed this, you have probably wondered what it is about the smallest hours of the night that causes you to find yourself with your stove or dishwasher scattered around your kitchen in fifty-seven pieces? Ever tireless […]
Lines in Praise of Tommy Atkins
George has Four Mommies
Protests Erupt over Children’s Book! When Robert Benton wrote George has Four Mommies, he wasn’t intending to start a controversy. He simply wanted to write a book so that children in polygamous families would have stories about families more like theirs. But when the Librarians’ Association of America featured George has Four Mommies as Inclusive […]
Prenatal Education
Formal Education™ seems to begin earlier and earlier every year. Not only do the school year and the school day start earlier, but the age at which children are expected to get stressed out about things like homework and peer pressure gets earlier too. Kindergarten, a German word which could be literally translated as “childrens’ […]
Cow-Shark Discovered on Exoplanet
Last Wednesday, astronomers made an astonishing accidental discovery while studying the atmospheric composition of the exoplanet Gliese 581 c. Their observations demonstrated with absolute certainty that the planet is inhabited by an animal which has come to be popularly known as the Cow-Shark. Cindy C. Carnell, a xenoethologist at the State University of Northern South […]
Advice for Frustrated Parents
Are you a parent? If so, are you frustrated? If so, have we got some advice for you. And believe me, our parenting advice is outstanding beyond compare. Only last month, after reading our first ever parenting column, Giovanna Lombardo wrote to us to say “My life has been transformed. Ever since I read your […]