Fairy tales

The Dog and the Cat and the Tire

Face of sleeping dog

Once there were a dog and a cat. “Woof, woof!” said the dog. “Meow,” said the cat. “Woof,” said the dog. “Meow, meow,” said the cat. And they talked for several minutes like this, until they got bored and walked away. The dog went to find some rags to chew on. The cat went to […]

More on the Theme Wedding Theme

Last week, we ran an article exploring the phenomenon of theme weddings. Now, we return to that fertile topic with a list of themes—invaluable if a wedding looms in your future; otherwise merely entertaining. First of all, there’s the Barbarian Theme Wedding: For this wedding, the groom dresses up in skins and hits the bride […]

Theme Weddings

From the very name, you can almost certainly guess what a theme wedding is: a wedding with a theme. “But,” you might be inclined to respond, “so what?” If you don’t have any plans for a wedding in the near future, your unthinking reaction could well be to think that a theme wedding is, in […]

A Tiger and a Killer Bee whose Home was a Cedar

A cat flying with a honeybee under a palm tree in the sunshine.

Once upon a time, there was a tall, majestic Cedar. Except it wasn’t really a cedar, and it wasn’t really very tall or majestic; it was more of a middle-sized palm tree. But this palm tree was named Cedar. Under this palm tree named Cedar lived a ferocious Tiger. Except it was not so much […]

The Frog King

In olden times, when wishing still helped one, there lived a king whose daughters were all beautiful, but the youngest was so beautiful that the sun itself, which has seen so much, was astonished whenever it shone in her face. Close by the King’s castle lay a great dark forest, and under an old lime-tree […]