A new study by Harvard physician Harvey Hess published on Tuesday in the Journal of Authentic Medicine (JAM) provides strong evidence that breathing is a significant cause of the common cold. While airborne viruses and air pollution are widely recognized as significant causes of the cold, Hess shows that the absorption of oxygen in the […]
Scientists Discover Historic Blunder: “Lucy” Was Really Named “Suzie”
In an astounding breakthrough, scientists at the International University of West Carolina discovered a longstanding case of mistaken identity: The female skeleton known throughout the world as “Lucy” really belonged to “Suzie”! Three paleontologists, George Kratos, Chiamaka Achieng Afolayan, and Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus, were digging around in Ethiopia. One Tuesday, while listening to “Wake […]
On Waking and Rising
New Interactive Approach to Evolution Allows Direct Human Influence
You know what? I frequently interact with plants in ways that are not entirely to my satisfaction. While poison ivy is the most obvious example of unsatisfactory plant-Vim Vocifero interaction, every time I run into a tree when I’m walking in the woods or find those annoying prickles attached to my socks after a long […]
Why We Like Lists
You may have noticed that lists are very popular these days. Nine out of ten blog posts incorporate some kind of list, and, according to one study1 the typical American spends approximately ninety-seven minutes daily dealing with lists of one sort or another. This fascination with lists is not, however, an entirely new thing: archeologists […]
A Scientific Guide to Doughnuts
When you enter your local doughnut shop, what do you feel? Do you experience confusion? Disorientation? A troubling inability to quickly and efficiently choose the absolutely perfect doughnut? A recent poll1 strongly suggests that such symptoms, collectively known as Doughnut Disorientation Syndrome (DDS), occur in approximately 27.500023 %± 8% of the population at large, both […]
Hi-Viz Black
It used to be that bright colors really got you noticed. Fire engine were painted the imaginatively named fire engine red so that they’d stand out among the mob of black model-T Fords, and red haired girls stood out amid the blondes and brunettes. These days, however, fire engines look muted and tasteful—you hardly even […]
Pet Alligators
Scientists in Liverpool, hot on the heels of the well-known Russian case in which foxes were domesticated after 21 generations, have announced that, after 227 generations and 64 years, they have evolved a domesticated alligator. Over the generations their version, dubbed Crocodilius cutenensis, has developed a softer palate, floppy ears, and a non-swinging stub tail. […]