Electric hairbrush

G. K. Chesterton on Beer

It is now an established fact that all human motive and action is due to Beer; not merely among adults but also among children. The whole life of a child (of either sex) is actuated by Beer. The first action of which a child is capable is a lusty yell; we have established that this […]

The Electric Hairbrush

Based on public domain images by Evan Amos, Mehy, and NeD80, available at http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Conair-brush.jpg#mediaviewer/File:Conair-brush.jpg, http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:ElephantArmRobot.jpg#mediaviewer/File:ElephantArmRobot.jpg, and http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Robot_arm_model_1.png#mediaviewer/File:Robot_arm_model_1.png.

Does Brushing Your Hair Make Your Wrists Ache? Just yesterday, Ultimate Universal Technology Corporation (UUTC) introduced a gadget that—improbable as it may seem—promises to be even more revolutionary than the Z-Phone: The Electric Hairbrush! The Electric Hairbrush features a 1/4 hp electric motor and is capable of seventeen degrees of freedom. It permanently mounts to […]