Do you have a computer? If so, you’ve certainly considered adding more RAM, salivated over a more powerful graphics card, or perhaps thought about buying a whole new system. You’ve wondered: “Do I need to upgrade my computer?” Don’t lose sleep wondering. Just follow the simple directions below to determine whether or not you need […]
A New Categorisation of Holidays
A philosopher from the Arctic Circle known as “Jonathan Tallyhoe” has begun a new line of research into the categorisation of cultural holidays and celebratory festivals. Mr. Tallyhoe, who does not hold any authentic PhD’s that we know of,1 claims he is the first to enter into such territory, while following “a time-tested Aristotelian method.” […]
How The Economy Works
Investigators Uncover Elaborate Long-Running Plot to Benefit Publishing Industry
How long does it take a plot to mature? If you’re as cunning as the publishing industry, you are capable of maturing a plot over many generations. According to our secret inside sources, the book and magazine publishing industry has been plotting since the 1450’s. How? By encouraging literacy, lobbying to make education mandatory, and […]
A Scientific Guide to Doughnuts
When you enter your local doughnut shop, what do you feel? Do you experience confusion? Disorientation? A troubling inability to quickly and efficiently choose the absolutely perfect doughnut? A recent poll1 strongly suggests that such symptoms, collectively known as Doughnut Disorientation Syndrome (DDS), occur in approximately 27.500023 %± 8% of the population at large, both […]
Affordable Care Act Requires Flossing Twice a Day
A Harvard law student recently discovered a section of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, hitherto unknown, which requires all Americans over the age of 14 to floss twice a day. While working on his PhD dissertation, which covers only a portion of the some four million pages of the health care law, Samuel […]
Water Fountain Cameras
Ever noticed the little cameras on some water fountains, just under or behind the spray guard? Even wonder what they’re for? Worldwide Water Fountains (WWF), a supplier and servicing company, says it began installing cameras on school water fountains in 1980 to combat the growing trend of water fountain vandalism, to which many of their […]
Nude Flights Save Weight, Fuel
Antarctica Air announced that, beginning April 8th, all passengers will be required to fly nude. Lewis Day, Vice President for Finance, explains that this policy will decrease fuel use, increase airline profits, and allow the airline to sell tickets at significantly lower cost: Every year, we spend millions of dollars buying tens of millions of […]