
Edgar Allan Poe To Be Translated Into English

The staff of The Flying News has accepted an invitation to participate in a panel which will undertake the grand endeavour of translating the complete works of Edgar Allan Poe into the English language. The panel includes men, women, and children, all of whom are renowned experts in the English language, having spoken the same […]

Swedish Parliament Objects to “Borg”

Sveriges riksdag, photograph by Christian Gidlöf, in public domain, available at

The Swedish Parliament, or Riksdag, recently registered an objection with the international court concerning the use of the Swedish name Borg to refer to a psuedo-race in the Star Trek Universe©. “The name ‘Borg’ is part of the indigenous linguistic wealth of the Swedish people,” explains Ante Borg, Swedish Minister of Commerce. “The use of […]

Conclusive Evidence of Ancient Aliens

Photo by Lynn Locifero, © The Flying News.

For the first time ever, conclusive proof of Ancient Aliens has been found. While excavating a hidden passage underneath the temple of Teotihuacán©, Tot Tibor, xenoarcheologist at the International Hungarian University, discovered a tablet made of a material that proved to be PVC plastic. Inscribed on the plastic tablet was a message composed of punctuation […]