

Wack! WHAM: OW-OW-OW-OW-OWOWOWOWOW- Boink. “Hey, wait a minute.” “Why?” CRASH!!! “See what I mean?” “Why you LITTLE . . .” . . . bump . . . Clangangangangang. “All right then. You just come back here!” “Wait! See this?” “Yah.” CRASHCLANGBANGBONG . . . Boing . . . Boing . . . Boing . . […]

Man Laughs to Death, Wife Cries to Death

What started as an ordinary day like any other ordinary day turned out to be, for Nick Redwood and his wife Sally, a tragic day, unlike any other tragic day. It started with Nick sitting down to breakfast and commenting to Sally that he felt a bit light-headed. Sally misunderstood and thought he said “light-hearted,” […]