New Product Review: Universal Portable Fire Lighter Once upon a time (and not that long ago), cigarette lighters were everywhere. You could buy them in stores, borrow them from friends, or find them lying in the gutter. But when was the last time you smoked a cigarette? What with so many places banning smoking in […]
Simulated Windows Save Energy
A new poll from the International Energy Association (IEA) found that about 82% of people would prefer to pay less for electricity. The other 18% must be idiots. But the poll brings up a very good point, which is the desire for more energy-saving devices in the home. And the newest one is so simple, […]
Replacing a Kitchen Faucet for the Amateur Plumber
What To Do When Your Check Engine Light Comes On
You’ve had the experience. You’re driving down the highway in your nine-and-a-half-year-old Ferrari, at about mach 3 speed, wind blowing in your hair even though the windows are up, and you see a cute little engine icon pop up on the dash board. Your first thought might be, “Oh, an Easter egg! The manufacturer’s letting […]
In-Car Pianos
Shortly before three o’clock in the morning last night,1 I was opening up the dashboard in my car, for what reason I cannot now recall. Having uncovered the innards of the vehicle’s control system, I noticed a large number of mechanical buttons or keys, which were linked to some padded hammer mechanisms whose purpose seemed […]
Camouflage for the Office
A new line of clothing by OfficeWear Max promises to improve your workday, reduce stress, and free up lots of time. The company, an off-shoot of Military Uniforms United, recently introduced a line of camouflaging office attire. Marketing director Sarah Woolard of OfficeWear Max stated, “Our new line of camouflage will help you blend right […]
Robot Unemployment on the Rise
With the advent of automation in the latter half of the 20th century, political campaigns often obsess over the problems of unemployment for those whose jobs are gradually being replaced by robots. But many have overlooked an equally troubling phenomena: older robots being replaced by newer, more intelligent robots. Every year, as Technology™ creates newer, […]
Fine Beers and Craft Wines
Have you ever wondered why there are no craft wines? Why wines can be fine, but only beer is ever craft. The impression this terminology produces is that brewers are master craftsmen, subtle geniuses bulging with wizardly skill and arcane expertise. Winemakers, or vintners, on the other hand, are just not. That’s not to say […]