I before E

Will Everyone Including Ronald Die?

As we learned in grammar school, “I before E except after C or when sounding like A as in neighbor or… weird?”

So, in King’s English:

When you are either ageing or fighting ageism with Alzheimers, you tend toward deified albeit counterfeit caffeines and proteins, and even codeine for a seizure. And while the height of pleiads seems kaleidoscopic, Sheila Einstein, neither a sheik nor a plebeian, while gumshoeing a seismic heist with a Geiger counter, and being foreign to the zeitgeist as a theist, seizes a canoeist with a Rottweiler in a weir. Wherein it is meet to reinstall a farseeing meister, while seeing leisure in dyeing feisty Holstein heifers with blueish heinies.

Now, I ask, is this not weird?

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