New York, New York: Tired of witnessing the mute suffering and silent anguish, or, to put it more precisely, enraged and infuriated by the incessant incidences of abuse, mistreatment, and abominable neglect of corporations large and small, seven eminent businesspersons have taken decisive steps to “provide effective means for the prevention of cruelty to corporations throughout the United States.” After so many centuries of indifferent neglect, Monday morning witnessed the establishment of the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Corporations.
According to spokesbusinessperson Nathan Nibbi, the ASPCC’s mission is to help “vulnerable corporations and keep businesses in safe and loving homes This requires a commitment from all of us—advocates, business owners, CEOs, leaders, and entire communities. When we work together under a common cause, we’re both saving lives and elevating our society and its laws to ensure cruelty victims and other at-risk corporations receive the protection and care they deserve.”
“Career Change Cartoon With Different Occupations,” by Clip Art by Vector Toons. CC BY-SA 4.0, from Wikimedia Commons.