After a Brief Hiatus

A fly on the windscreen.

After a brief hiatus, Vim Vocifero has been found wandering the streets of London, vaguely peering into windows with his spectacles tilted downwards. Instead of turning when greeted, he seems to continue in a more-or-less straight line, inclined to stop only at intervals of a half-second or so, to inquire at one door or another, whether there may be any giants inside. Upon receiving an answer in the negative, he ventures onward. Thus far, neither Jim Jocifero, nor Ryan Rocifero (a roving young fellow himself), nor Lynn Locifero has been able to pull him indoors.

Perhaps he has needed a breath of fresh air. Perhaps he has been bothered by his fellow employees (or underlings, as he might suppose) and has simply wanted to “get away from it all” for awhile. Or, perhaps he has suffered a streak of writer’s block. However, there is reason to believe he may be turning in for the night and back to his usual self in the morning. In fact, we may yet find that he has been brewing some unusually interesting commentary on the state of the universe all this time, and will be writing his ultimate manifesto when he returns.

Then again, maybe he is just waiting for an opportunity to catch us talking about him behind his back. Maybe he has tapped the lines and is listening in on our telegraph recordings. Maybe he is changing the faucets so the hot water comes out cold and the cold water scalds.

Or, maybe he is just taking an afternoon tea. It wouldn’t be like him, but then, it never is.

He always did like doughnuts. . .

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