Book Review: Advice Worth Ignoring

Guarendi, Ray. Advice Worth Ignoring: How Tuning Out the Experts Can Make You a Better Parent. Servant Books, 2016, 160 pp.

Like most of the books we review, we haven’t actually read Advice Worth Ignoring, but it is a real book. We even saw it on a book shelf once, which means it must be a book. (That’s why I never let my pets or my children sit on the bookshelf—don’t want them turning into books). Also, it seems to be sold in bookstores and online (although we question whether the Kindle version is really a book, since it is most definitely spineless—but that’s what spineless people like, isn’t it?).

Anyway, the title of this book, as well as its subtitle “How tuning out the experts can make you a better parent,” embody a certain camaraderie—dare I saw kinship?—with one of our key philosophies, which is ignoring the so-called “experts.” In fact, that’s one of the things we do best. It isn’t that we don’t like them, it’s just that they all seem to say the same thing, and there’s nothing worse than reading the same thing over and over again. And there’s nothing worse than reading the same thing over and over again. And there’s nothing worse than reading the same thing over and over again.

See what I mean? And when you hear it from, say, four or five different people, even though they all got it (originally) from the same source, you start to believe it, and you start to doubt what you already thought yourself. So, basically, listening to other people leads to self-doubt, which of course is a bad thing. Ergo, much better to ignore them. And that’s why we love this book, and why we also haven’t read it.


“Ann Landers,” by Fred Palumbo, World Telegram staff photographer. Public domain via Wikimedia Commons.

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