Green Electricity

Have you ever thought about switching to green electricity? Maybe green is your favorite color, and the universe just can’t contain enough green. Or maybe you’re tired of ordinary electricity and you just want a change. Whatever your reason for wanting to make the switch, this handy guide will help you get started with green electricity.

So how do you go about it? What do you do to make your electricity green? That’s a hard question, because electricity is, according to our sources, flowing electrons, and electrons move very fast. Because of this, it’s really hard to apply the paint evenly to the electrons. So if you want green electricity, your troubles begin when you start picking out the paint. If you choose a slow-drying paint, the paint is likely to get blown off the electron before it even starts to dry. If, on the other hand, you opt for a fast-drying formula, it’s hard to spread it evenly before it has a chance to dry.

What do you do, then? Our solution is to mix fast and slow drying paint together. We aren’t quite sure why this works, but we end up with a really nice shade of green.1

“Sheringham Shoal Wind Farm 2012,” by NHD-INFO. CC BY 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons. Altered.

  1. Some physicists believe that mixing two kinds of paint makes the paint neither fast nor slow drying, thus allowing it to stick to the electron only until you look at it.

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