Square Files Protest With International Steak Naming Association

The square has officially filed a protest with the International Steak Naming Association (ISNA), calling the fact that there is no square steak a “grave injustice.”

Rumors allege that the square initially attempted to convince the pentagon to join it in protesting. The pentagon, reportedly, was content with “enjoying exalted status in the worlds of magic and geometry.”

Fyntone Smith, Vice-President for Marketing of the International Vegetarian League, commented publicly on the situation. “This only goes to show,” she stated, “the absurdities that the eating of meat leads to. We don’t have this sort of problem with vegetables.”

Triangle, cube, and round steaks have declined to comment on the situation.

“Hickory Grilled NY Strip (6523198789),” by Ralph Daily from Birmingham, United States. Modified by The Flying News. CC BY 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons.

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