Association of American Lawyers and Advocates Introduces All-Inclusive Consent Form

In 2015, the National Institute for Strange and Useless Studies (NISUS) found that the average American can be expected to spend 11.3 years signing away his1 rights. In response to this, the Association of American Lawyers and Advocates (AALA) has drafted a universal and all-inclusive consent and release form. This form, in the words of the chairman of the AALA committee which put it together,

Will save Americans countless hours.2 Where before, people used to sign releases and waivers bit by bit, agreeing to hold this or that individual or group harmless for this or that real or imagined possibility, they can now save time and waive all their rights at once.

The new document, which is more than 1000 pages in length, requires only a single signature to be legally binding. While the full extent of its contents are not known, it is believed that corporations and individuals wishing to be released from liability can pay a fee to the AALA to be included in the document.

“A physician, a Lawyer and a Vicar: Represented as Outlandish.” Wellcome Library no. 10772i, London (10 Newgate Street): William Cole. CC BY 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons.

  1. The average woman spends 13.1 years, which suggests that women typically sign their names with a certain amount of regard for legibility (rather than simply making a squiggly mark).
  2. Except that the study referred to above seems to have counted them.

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