This week, an Arkansas (U.S.A.) man was returned to the North Arkansas Mental Institute (NAMI), from which he had escaped approximately six months previously. Despite efforts to return him to NAMI, and even though he spent most of the past six months in public places talking to himself, he managed to evade being detected by a clever use of bluetooth technology. The man was able to conceal his mental instability because he had taken the precaution of inserting a bluetooth earpiece into his ear, leading passersby to assume that his conversation, however strange it might be, was with someone other than a figment of his own imagination.
The man’s imposture was only discovered when, after an especially impassioned bit of dialogue, he shook his head so violently that he dislodged the earpiece, after which he continued the conversation without interruption. Luckily, Sean Z. Wilson, an alert member of the National Association of Prosecuting Dentists, was nearby, and, noticing the odd occurrence, contacted the authorities. The patient has now been returned to NAMI, without, however, ceasing his conversation.
“Image of a [sic] Earpiece Micro (Miniature Earphone),” by Butenkova Olga. CC0 via Wikimedia Commons.