Senate Candidate Caught Smoking Cigarette

Tracy Lake, who recently announced her candidacy for the U. S. Senate, shocked the nation when she was found smoking a cigarette on her back porch two evenings ago. The early days of her candidacy had been plagued by persistent rumors of tobacco use, but her denials had—at least seemingly—convinced critics that she was, in fact, completely innocent.

When questioned by reporters, Lake claimed that her use of tobacco was medicinal; her cigarette, she claimed, had been recommended by her doctor as a relaxant.

This situation is reminiscent of the presidential campaign of Joseph Alexander. In 1967, Alexander was the favored candidate in a hotly contested race for the Democratic nomination. After he was discovered secretly drinking non-diet soda, his bid for the presidency collapsed. It seems likely that Lake’s senatorial aspirations will meet a similar demise.

“Lit cigarette,” by Edbrown05. Public domain via Wikimedia Commons.

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