New World Record: Most Simultaneous Nose Pickers

The Italian City of Reggio Calabria, largest city in the region of Italy known as Calabria, now holds the world record for most simultaneous nose pickers. The entire population of the city, 180,897, along with 392,843 tourists who came to participate in the historic event, spent five minutes on October 19th picking their noses. In keeping with the requirements of the Guinness Book of World Records, each participant removed at least 3.2 grams of snot from his nose.1 The Guinness Book of World Records also required each participant to undergo a breathalyzer test, to make sure that “the nose picking is performed voluntarily, and with all due caution.”

Cristiana Milano, who participated in the event, told Ryan Rocifero that she was “extremely proud to have shared in this momentous event. You know, to have done something to change the world, even if only a little bit. I like to think that, when I am old, I will be able to take pride in having done my part to make the world a better place.”

Image: “Borzacchini” by Federico Sardelli, CC-BY-SA-3.0, via Wikimedia Commons.

  1. The collected snot 1,979 kg in all, will be preserved in a time capsule buried under Reggio Calabria’s Beautiful Piazza di Muco.

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