University To Require Notarized And Witnessed Consent

Concerned about concern over sexual assault, The State University of Northern South Dakota has unveiled a new policy designed to more clearly define, and thus greatly reduce the incidence of, sexual assault. The new law requires consent to any sexual activity to be notarized in the presence of two witnesses. Before having their consent forms notarized, all parties will also be required to undergo a drug test and a sobriety test. Vice Chancellor for student affairs, Mark Q. Kinsey explains:

While California’s new sexual assault law and Antioch College’s policy are steps in the right direction, they will ultimately lead, in the absence of witnesses, simply to accusation and denial. Without witnesses or a video recording, there is really no way to prove whether or not consent was given in any case of alleged sexual assault. Our new policy will protect all parties without discrimination.

While some campus groups have deemed the measure too extreme, the administration believes it is warranted. After all, we’re talking about an act that can be deeply significant—is this a decision we want our students making while they are drunk or otherwise impaired?

Fraternities ΑΑΑ through ΩΩΩ registered concern and threatened to stop support of the campus bar. University authorities believe that “this is an empty threat that cannot possibly be carried out.”

Image: “Joseph Crawhall – Spanish Cock And Snail” by Joseph Crawhall III – Art Gallery and Museum, Kelvingrove, Glasgow, Scotland. Public domain via Wikimedia Commons.

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