The International Standard Publication Rating Association (ISPRA) has named The Flying News the Best New News Organisation, a prestigious award with a stringent selection process. Several members of the ISPRA panel spoke highly of The Flying News:
These days, most news is old news before it ever gets read. But The Flying News is not like most news.
The Flying News is consistently one step ahead of the rest.
Not only is it current, it is always relevant to the life of the modern, fast-paced, globalised, news-savvy individual of today.
The Flying News is fabulous!
The Flying News has more stories than I have time to read.
The Flying News is one of the most intelligent and enlightened pieces of work today.
This is better than ice cream! And has less fat!
I really don’t understand The Flying News . . . I really don’t.
Because news organisations spring up throughout the world on a daily basis, especially on the internet, the Best New News Organisation award is normally given to a new publication about every four days.
We are confident that we will earn the Best Old News Organisation award in the future.
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