Summer Vacation Advice

Photo by Lynn Locifero, © The Flying News, 2014

Summer is drawing to an end, and the new school year is beginning. (According to unsubstantiated rumors, some children have already begun attending school again.) This might seem like an odd time to talk about summer vacations. Maybe you’ve already spent a day at the beach, a week at grandma’s, or even a month at Blubberhouses, North Yorkshire (like our own Jim Jocifero). But maybe you’re one of those procrastinators. Perhaps you’ve thought about summer vacation all summer, and now, when it’s almost too late, you think you might like to take a vacation. Well, there’s not much time, so you’d better start today.

First, make a plan. Calculate the amount of time available for your vacation, and divide the time into equal parts.

If the total time available (Tatotal) is small, you might want to consider the micro-vacation™. Micro-vacations™ are short vacations, often ten minutes or less in length. Their length makes them easy to fit in, even in the middle of the workday. For the succesful micro-vacation™, follow these helpful tips:

  • Don’t spend too much time travelling. Ten yards is probably the maximum distance you want to travel for a micro-vacation™.
  • Spend as much time as you can on the actual micro-vacation™. Mix your drink, pour your beer, cook your food, and fill the bath tub with hot water before your micro-vacation™ begins.
  • If you want to micro-vacation™ in an exotic location, you have to travel very fast, unless you are already in the exotic location. Plan to accelerate very quickly to a high fraction of the speed of light™.

So if you’re a vacation procrastinator, or simply feel like a summer vacation, consider the micro-vacation™. No need to tell the boss, feed the pets, or stop the mail.

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