The Swedish Parliament, or Riksdag, recently registered an objection with the international court concerning the use of the Swedish name Borg to refer to a psuedo-race in the Star Trek Universe©.
“The name ‘Borg’ is part of the indigenous linguistic wealth of the Swedish people,” explains Ante Borg, Swedish Minister of Commerce. “The use of this name by an American company constitutes linguistic piracy of the most heinous and objectionable kind. We will not tolerate it. Furthermore, we strongly resent the tacit insinuation that Swedes everywhere are lacking in individuality. The riches of Swedish culture will not be associated with a hive-mind.”
Why now? After all, the Borg were first introduced in 1989, and (as Lily Sloane says in First Contact) are “Definitely not Swedish.”
“In 1989, I was only nineteen years old, and not involved in the Swedish government,” says Borg. “Furthermore, we have become much more sensitive to subtle linguistic indignities since the Twentieth Century.”
CBS Television Studios, Paramount Pictures, and Norway Productions have declined to comment up to this point. However, it has been reported that the radio telescope at the Arecibo Observatory (in Arecibo, Puerto Rico) intercepted a message from Captain Kirk to Captain Picard, which is believed to relate to the Borg controversy. However, the message is in a complex cipher which has, so far, baffled the best cryptography experts.
“Sveriges riksdag,” photograph by Christian Gidlöf. Public domain, available at http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File%3ASveriges_riksdag_fr_vasabron.JPG